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Knowing your mission, your vision and having this documented and constantly shared among your team
Knowing WHAT numbers and data to track – and WHY is more important than just capturing everything. Make use of the numbers.
Understanding any risks and managing these through planning contingencies are vital. What happens if…
Values can just sit on a shelf or PDF. Make sure your values are A – known B – built into your team’s culture through behaviour
Having a strategy for your business is vital to success. How will you succeed next year? When and why should you bring on more team? …
Budget – so many businesses don’t actually set budgets annually. Setting a budget helps you plan (and track!) against company performance
Benchmarking is a common practice in marketing, but have you considered it for helping you build your strategy, measure your impact and journey?
Everyone needs to keep learning. Team development is a real growth opportunity for your company. Empower your team to learn new skills and abilities.
Goals. The outcomes of our strategy – celebrate the wins, and set new achievable goals regulalry as a business in all you do.
Getting regular feedback from your clients and customers is vital to gather a voice for helping you shape the direction you go next. Make sure you respond too with improvements.
Often not always something business leaders think about, especially at the startup phases, but important to explore what your future might be